The first Eldoret Show was held in 1925 and became the fourth branch of the then Agricultural and Horticultural Society of Kenya (A.S.K) after Nairobi and Nakuru. The Show ground is approximately 8 kms from Eldoret town and 10 kms from the Eldoret airport and is located along the Kisumu Road.

Stand Rates & Participation Charges
Open Spaces Exhibition Stand Rates
- Extra large tent size plots (100*100) ft KShs. 130,000
- Large tent size plot (75*75) ft Kshs. 110, 000/=
- Medium tent size plot (50*50) ft Kshs. 80, 000/=
- Semi medium tent size (25*25) ft Kshs. 60, 000/=
- Small tent size plot (15*15) ft Kshs. 40, 000/=
- Collaborator / Partnership Kshs. 30.000/=

Other MANDATORY Exhibition Charges
- Water Charges – Kshs. 10,000/= or Kshs. 5,000/=
- Sales Levy – Kshs. 15,000/=
- Theme Interpretation – Kshs. 3,000
- Judging per Class – Kshs. 2,000
Stands / Buildings
- Exhibitors occupying society building will be charged Kshs.25 per sq ft
- Exhibitors occupying their own building will be charged Kshs.20 per sq ft.
Gate Charges
The Gate charges are;
- Perimeter Charges – Kshs 200 Child and Kshs 250 Adult
- Special Party Charges – Kshs 150 Child and Kshs 200 Adult
- Young Farmer Charges – Kshs 150 per child
- Trade Attendant Ticket – Kshs 900
- Pre Show Car Sticker – KShs. 1,000
- Pre Show Ticket – KShs. 150
- Essential Car Stickers – KShs. 3,000
A.S.K Eldoret National Show attracts potential exhibitors from the various industries cutting across from Agriculture, Manufacturing, Tourism related Enterprises, Seed Companies, Fishing Industry, Banking Sector, Import & Export, Transport and Communication, Hospitality & Travel Sector, Motor Vehicle Industry, SACCOs, Universities & Tertiary Institutions, Micro Financial Sectors and Other Service Providers. Currently, there are about 100 stands/plots of varying sizes and limited number of prominent sites available for erection of permanent or temporary stands. All applications for space must be made on the official Participation Confirmation Form and payment for such space must accompany each application. No booking shall be deemed to be final until payment for the allowed space has been received by the Society. International exhibitors wishing to sell their wares should consult their clearing and forwarding agents on customs regulations that govern such temporary imports. Exhibitors can download our Participation Confirmation Form herebelow, fill and submit them to the ASK Eldoret National Show, Trade Office.
The exhibitors that participate in the A.S.K Eldoret show include stakeholders in the following sectors:- Agriculture, Livestock, Horticulture, Wildlife related activities, Agro Industries and the Finance Industry.
Exhibitors can download application forms here fill and submit them to Eldoret A.S.K Show office